Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ultimate goals - 2006

Played my first game of the calendar year on Tuesday and followed it up with touring team pickup on Wednesday. Not too bad overall, though we lost our league game to an opponent we could have beat. Anyway, while the turf burn is still fresh, time for thinking about my goals for ultimate this year.

First, some skills I’d like to improve over the year:
- breakforce throws
- hucks
- timing of cuts
- marking
- defensive positioning
- field sense and vision
A lot of these I can work on over the rest of winter season, but of course there are some aspects that just aren’t there in indoor – no wind, smaller fields, five players a side – so some of the nuances of the above aren’t going to improve till I can get outdoors again. I’ll do what I can for now.

Secondly, some concrete, measurable goals for the upcoming outdoor season:
- make Chaos, practice regularly and play tournaments
- play at least 3 out-of town tourneys (tentatively, Regina, Saskatoon, and a third to be determined), and both local tourneys
- budget permitting, play Nationals in Halifax
- play 1 or 2 league teams
- observe 1 night per week
- at each tournament – average at least 5 points played per game, 1 point thrown or scored per game, and positive or neutral on turnovers (turnovers caused defensively less turnovers caused offensively)
Some of these should be fairly easily attainable but I don’t want to take them for granted (e.g., I was basically able to walk on to Chaos last year, but want to make sure I earn my spot again, even if there are no cuts). For the quantified goals, I’ll reevaluate after the first tournament (likely in early June) to make sure they’re reasonable.

Finally, I’ll make it a goal to play with spirit every game. I don’t think I was terrible at this last year, but on occasion I’d do something that was inadvisable spirit-wise… I don’t want to have that reputation. Plus, I think I play better when I’m playing spirited (might be karma, or just that I get preoccupied when I think I might have made a bad call), and it just makes the games that much more enjoyable.

On the whole, I think it’s going to be a good year. Can’t wait for the snow to melt.


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