Friday, July 21, 2006

Escape is at hand for the travelling man

Sitting here in a New Orleans hotel half an hour from checkout... I realise that in the last week I have been home only eight hours in between two trips. Last weekend was the Minneapolis Ultimate Disc Invitational (MUDI), about which I'll go into more detail later. Drove there Friday afternoon, played some games, left Sunday as soon as games were done, got back at 10 pm, unloaded, finished some last minute packing, then grabed a few hours sleep. Monday morning awoke at 5 to catch an early morning flight to New Orleans (via Mineapolis... no, I didn't want to overnight there) and spent the last week here on business. I'm off to see a bit of the town now and then back to the airport to go home and hopefully get a bit of sleep on the flight. Tomorrow, right back into tourney mode at Flatlands. It'll be good to be home.
More on all this later.


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